Rush's R40 Box Set Enters the Billboard Charts at #2
Rush's latest offering, the R40 box set, has entered the Billboard Music Video Sales chart at the #2 spot. Even though the last four video releases from Rush (Clockwork Angels, Time Machine Tour, Snakes & Arrows Live and Replay X3) all entered the charts at the #1 spot, a #2 showing for R40 is still impressive given its roughly $100 price point. It will, however, be interesting to see how long R40 will remain on the charts. The Clockwork Angels tour video remained on the charts for an impressive 43 weeks while the similarly packaged Replay X3 only lasted for a total of 11 weeks. For more information on the R40 box set, including complete liner notes, tracks, artwork and more, click HERE . To purchase R40 , click HERE . Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for passing along the news.