
Showing posts from April, 2011

Neil Peart's News, Weather, and Sports Update

Neil Peart has posted another update to the News, Weather, and Sports section of his website. In this entry, titled "Eastern Resurrection" , Neil discusses his motorcycle travels during both legs of the Time Machine Tour and has some reflective thoughts on the Spring season. Those first signs of post-winter rebirth, the radiant bursts and washes of spring color, are so expressive of returning life, and are one reason why the word “resurrection” occurred to me for this story. Even as the band was reviving the Time Machine tour, bringing it to a new series of North American cities and countries outside North and South America (heading to Europe in May), and I was resurrecting my drumming and motorcycling skills and endurance, all around me the world was being reborn. As Neil's travels took him through the 'Bible Belt' of the United States, he came upon a number of billboards that gave him pause. Ones like “Jesus Paid the Price—You Keep the Change.” and “Sin....

Neil Peart Jams With Stewart Copeland and Danny Carey

According to a posting in the most recent edition of Tool's official newsletter , Neil Peart recently met up with Stewart Copeland of The Police and Danny Carey of Tool for a jam session. Les Claypool was apparently also on hand: ... recently DANNY got together for a drumming/recording session with NEIL PEART (RUSH) and STEWART COPELAND (THE POLICE). LES CLAYPOOL was also involved, but I'm not sure as to what capacity. Whether or not these guys will get together again, or anything will come from the initial 'session', I really don't know. Danny has also been working in his spare time with cEVIN of SKINNY PUPPY (programming Danny's large collection of analogue synthesizers), and there are plans for my neighbor Evil Joe Barresi to possibly record a VOLTO! CD. I guess Neil is keeping fairly busy during his mini break :) To read the entire entry in Tool's newsletter, click HERE . Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for the news.

Coming Soon: Rush's 2112 Master Recordings / Drum Tracks

According to the latest newsletter from DrumChannel , there is some exciting news for Rush fans on the horizon: "You Will Not Believe This! It is true, in the next few weeks we will tell you how to purchase the original master recordings of RUSH-2112 and how you can listen to Neil’s drum track only, the band with Neil or the band only, and record yourself on drums with Geddy and Alex. You have to be a Newsletter subscriber to get access, so tell your friends to join the DC Newsletter. More about this coming soon!" We'll have more on this exciting news once it is available. Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for the heads up on the newsletter posting.

Geddy Lee Speaks to the Irish Times

With Rush set to make their first ever concert appearance in Ireland on May 12th, Geddy Lee took some time out to talk to Kevin Courtney of the Irish Times : You’ve been together since 1974 and have remained friends all this time. Do you think you’ll make it to your 40-year anniversary? I don’t see any reason not to. We made it this far. If we’re not sick of each other yet, we’re not gonna get sick of each other in the last couple of years. We’ve had moments where we’ve been frustrated and tired and not happy – that happens in life – but I don’t think we’ve ever looked at each other and said: “I don’t wanna do this any more.” You’ve built your reputation on fast fretwork and skilled musicianship – are you worried that as you get older, you’ll be overtaken by the young musos? That’s the reason why we’ve been going on tour so much in these last couple of years – it’s through fear of that happening. Right now, and certainly on the last portion of the tour, we feel we’ve been playin...

The World According to… Rush

Gibson Guitar has posted a new section to their site called The World According to ... Rush ; a summary collection of previous articles and interviews on the band from the past few years Fans of this longstanding prog rock powerhouse – composed of bassist, keyboardist and vocalist Geddy Lee, guitarist Alex Lifeson, and drummer and lyricist Neil Peart – don’t just love Rush, they worship Rush. Since forming in Toronto in 1968, the band have accumulated 24 gold records and 14 platinum records, with only The Beatles and The Rolling Stones claiming more gold or platinum rock albums. Collected here are some of the band members’ thoughts on why their chemistry remains strong after 43 years. Check out the entire article via this LINK .

Rush End the First Leg of the 2011 Time Machine Tour - Head Over to Europe for the Next Leg

My, how time flies. Last night, Rush ended the first leg of their 2011 Time Machine Tour with a performance at the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore, Maryland, marking the 13th show on the 2011 leg which began back on March 30th. The band will now take a week-long break before crossing the pond to Europe where they will play a dozen dates throughout May, including stops in Finland, Sweden, their first-ever stop in Ireland, Scotland, five shows in the UK, Holland and Germany. The band will then take another week-long break before returning to the United States to close out the 2011 Time Machine Tour with 13 dates that will take place primarily across the western US. (Click HERE for all the dates). By all accounts, Rush have been at the top of their game over the past month, playing to numerous sold-old venues and putting on incredible shows, particularly in Cleveland which, as most fans know, was a concert filmed for later release on DVD/Blu-Ray (hopefully before the year closes ou...

Rush Sighting on 'Sanctuary'

Last night's episode of Sanctuary - a SyFy original series - included a great Rush reference. In the episode (Season 3, Episode 12 - 'Hangover'), the character Henry is attempting to gain access to the Sanctuary server's new passcode after a security breech. Thee passcode ends up being 'GEDDYLEE'. The character Dr. Magnus then inquires "Geddy Lee?" to which Henry responds, "A-ha! It's the lead singer of Rush." Dr. Magnus then observes, "Isn't that Will's favorite band?" This leads them to the conclusion that Will must have reset the passcode. Click HERE for a large version of the screen cap. Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for passing along the news and for the screen cap.

Rush References on FX's Archer

The season finale of FX's Animated Series Archer , which aired last night, contained several Rush references. The first Rush reference came early in the episode when the character Dr. Krieger talks about listening to "Red Barchetta" through his "...awesome van's" stereo...". He also mentions to Archer's love interest Katya "Please tell me you like Rush..." Later in the episode, the van that Dr. Krieger mentioned earlier appears on screen -- and it is painted in the style of Rush's Exit...Stage Left album cover, except that it is called "Exit...Van Left". You can see a large-scale image of the van via this LINK . The episode's trailer is available HERE . Thanks to Conrad J. Simpson , Eric from Power Windows and Ed from RushIsABand for the information.

2011 Time Machine Tour Book Images Now Online

With the launch of the 2011 Leg of Rush's Time Machine Tour, the band took the opportunity to update the Time Machine Tour Book with new photos from the 2010 Leg of the tour. Those images, along with all of the images from the 2010 edition of the tour book are now online. Below are the links to access the tour books and their images: Rush Time Machine Tour Book - Transcription Rush Time Machine Tour Book Images - 2010 Edition Rush Time Machine Tour Book Images - 2011 Edition While the new images are fantastic, it was a little disappointing to see that the new photos replaced images from the 2010 edition instead of simply adding to it. Regardless, I'm sure you'll enjoy the new photos and I hope this encourages everyone to pick up this fantastic tour book when Rush visits your neck of the woods. And if you can't make the show, you can always order the tour book via the Rush Backstage Club .

Neil Peart Legends Of Classic Rock Interview with Jeff Woods to Air May 29th

Prior to the concert in Hamilton, Ontario, Jeff Woods of The Legends Of Classic Rock interviewed Neil Peart about his new book Far and Away: A Prize Every Time . According to Jeff's Facebook Page , the interview is scheduled to air on May 29th. Just confirmed, my conversation this week with RUSH drummer Neil Peart will be featured in a one hour special, on The Legends of Classic Rock, Sunday May 29th .... showtimes and affiliate stations from this LINK . Thanks to RushFanForever for the heads up on the news.

Alex Lifeson Video Interview - Discussing His Gear for the Time Machine Tour

Musician's Friend Catalog has posted a really great 8+ minute video interview of Alex Lifeson that was taken the night before Rush launched into the 2011 Leg of their Time Machine Tour. Alex touches upon all of his gear as well as the Steampunk amps behind him. Of course he talks about his new Les Paul Axcess guitar as well. You can view the video below of via this LINK . Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for passing along the link to the video.

Rush Featured On the Cover Of Classic Rock's PROG Magazine

The latest edition of Classic Rock's PROG Magazine , which goes on sale in the UK tomorrow, will have Rush on the cover once again. In addition to appearing on the cover, the issue also contains an exclusive interview with the band and, in particular, Neil Peart. Check out the great tagline on the cover: "The one great thing about Rush is that the three of us are stupidly fearless" -Geddy Lee Click HERE for more information on Classic Rock Prog Magazine. To order your copy, click HERE . Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for passing along the news.

Neil Peart Video on the VLT Time Machine Snare Drum

There is a new 3-minute long video of Neil Peart discussing his Time Machine Tour Kit Snare Drum -- an all-maple VLT (very low timbre) piece. The video, posted by Drum Workshop's YouTube Channel shows why Neil prefers using this snare not only on the current tour, but also in the studio. You can watch the video below or via this LINK . For additional information on the snare and Neil's entire kit, click HERE . Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for the news.

Legendary Rock Outfit Rush Owes Much to Cleveland

Another article regarding Rush's return to Cleveland was published by Yahoo a couple days back. This one, written by Peter Chakerian and titled Legendary Rock Outfit Rush Owes Much to Cleveland is a partial interview with Alex Lifeson and Donna Halper along with a short retrospective look at Rush's career and, in particular, the band's early experience with Cleveland: "Cleveland was hugely important for us, because up until we were embraced there, we were just basically a bar band in Toronto," said Lifeson during a phone interview with Yahoo! from Fort Lauderdale, Fla. "We were on the Southern Ontario high school dance circuit and doing clubs. "To come to America was such a huge deal, and to come to Cleveland -- with its rich connections and rock music heritage and be embraced by the city and crowd there -- it really was a really great experience for us. It all started for us in Cleveland and the city has a giant place in our hearts." You can...

Review of Neil Peart's Far and Away in the National Post

The National Post has published a review of Neil Peart's book Far and Away: A Prize Every Time titled To His Own Drum: Rush’s Neil Peart Explores the World’s Back Roads in Far and Away Peart looks older than most Fly by Night fans would remember, but he’s aged well, built as solid as his drums, with a baritone voice to match. As the prolific drummer of Rush, one of the most successful rock bands to come out of Canada, Peart could easily just coast on his musical legacy. But rock is only one of his passions. In May, after the release of Far and Away: A Prize Every Time, Peart will have authored five books. He is by no means the first musician to enter the publishing world, but he’s one of the few who have done it themselves, and done it well. Peart rolls his eyes when he talks about musicians using ghostwriters. “But that isn’t always the case — guys like Bob Dylan, even Sting, and Stuart Coupland, their books were all done well, and done by themselves. The difference is that I...

Rush Rock Cleveland / New Concert DVD Information

Update (04.18.2011): Here's a short, positive review from the Cleveland show -- Concert Review: Rush at Quicken Loans Arena In front of a sold-out crowd of 14,000, Rush put on a spectacular show at The Q in Cleveland, Ohio last night -- a show that they had previously announced they would be filming for an upcoming concert DVD -- the first ever Rush concert filmed in the United States. As Cleveland is the home of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, there were plenty of news stories posted yesterday regarding Rush's now infamous exclusion from the organization. One article, titled Why isn't Rush in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? , touched upon an event that Rush fans organized in front of the Hall of Fame prior to last night's concert: "...To make their displeasure known, some fans plan to gather at 3 p.m. today outside the Rock Hall. Don't expect picket signs or torches, though. This promises to be more of an edgy photo op than a full-blown protest rally.....

'Moving Pictures' Track by Track: Geddy Lee Breaks It Down

Geddy Lee was recently interviewed by John Soeder ahead of the band's concert tonight at the Quickens Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio -- the same show that will be filmed. In the interview, Geddy breaks down each track of Moving Pictures. "Moving Pictures" was "an interesting establishment of a particular kind of songwriting and a particular way we went about recording," Geddy said. "It was the whole idea that we had moved away from the longer concept pieces and were experimenting with whether or not we could establish a sound of Rush that could take place in 6 minutes, as opposed to 20 minutes. Check out the entire article via this LINK and read what Geddy had to say about each track. In addition to the above article, two more articles regarding Rush and tonight's concert are also available: For Rock Trio Rush, Cleveland is Where it All Began After Donna Halper Gave 'Working Man' a Spin on WMMS, Rush's Career Took Off Thanks ...

Rig Rundown with Alex Lifeson's Guitar Tech Scott Appleton

Premiere Guitar's Rebecca Dirks was On Location in Chicago, IL, at the United Center where she talked with Alex Lifeson's guitar tech Scott Appleton about the gear Alex is using on Rush's 2011 Time Machine tour. Appleton shows off all Lifeson's gear, including Gibson Les Paul Axcess Alex Lifeson Signature models, a ES-355, a Fender reissue '52 Tele, and two '90s PRS models. Lifeson uses Hughes & Kettner TriAmp MKII Alex Lifeson Signature heads, Steam Punk Statesman 2x12 Cabinets, and a Hughes & Kettner Coreblade. You can watch the video below or directly via this YouTube Line . Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for passing along the news.

Rush: A Brief History of Time - Part VII

As Rush are currently progressing back in time on their Time Machine Tour , it's time once again for Cygnus-X1.Net to go back in time as well with another installment of Rush: A Brief History of Time. In this edition, we have 35 new articles and advertisements from years past, including seven entries from the 1970's and twenty-one entries from the 1980's which are primarily focused around the release of Permanent Waves . A single entry from the 1990's along with four from the 2000's and two from the current decade round out this edition. --- We'll start off the seventh installment with the earliest article of the entire seven-part collection. Titled Artist Profile: Rush , this December 29th, 19 73 entry came from RPM Weekly Magazine and portrays a very positive early look at the then budding band: "...When Rush strike up their amps no words are necessary, for they create a total involvement situation where the music is everything..." Exa...

Moving Pictures Re-Enters Billboard Top 200 Albums at #51

Two weeks back, the 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition of Moving Pictures re-entered the Billboard Top 200 Chart at position #137. Then, the next week, it dropped off the list. Well, it's back on again; this time at position #51! According to Billboard, Moving Pictures has now been on the charts for a total of 70 weeks with two re-entries over the past three weeks. It was originally believed that the last time MP was on the charts was several years back during the first re-release of the Rush Remastered Series however further research determined that this wasn't the case. With the support of Rush on tour and the positive early reviews, it'll be interesting to see how much farther Moving Pictures will climb the charts. Do your part if you haven't already -- order your copy today! Ordering links via Amazon arebelow: Moving Pictures 5.1 - CD/DVD Moving Pictures 5.1 - CD/BD And don't forget to enter the Cygnus-X1.Net Moving Pictures 5.1 Giveaway Contest for your...

Exclusive Video: Rush Rock Madison Square Garden

Rolling Stone Magazine has posted a new 7-minute video interview with Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson that took place backstage at Madison Square Garden where Rush played in front of a sold-out crowd on Sunday, April 10th. From Rolling Stone: We went backstage – and right in front of the stage, video cameras in hand – at the Madison Square Garden stop of Rush's Time Machine tour, where the power trio roared through all of their 1980 breakthrough Moving Pictures and much more. Here's dynamic live footage from the show, plus Brian Hiatt's exclusive interview with the band, where they discussed the making of "Tom Sawyer," "Limelight" and other classic tracks. Click HERE to watch the video. Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for passing along the link.

"Not YYZ" iPhone / iPad App Now Available

A new iPhone / iPad application called Not YYZ is now available. From iTunes: Not YYZ is like playing musical Morse code Mad Libs with a Rush song. The beginning of "YYZ" by Rush is based on the Morse code for YYZ, which is the IATA airport identifier for Toronto Pearson International Airport. But what if Rush wasn't from Toronto? What would "YYZ" sound like if Rush was from your city? Not YYZ provides the answer (just in time for the 30th anniversary of Moving Pictures). Pick any combination of three letters (other than YYZ) and Not YYZ will play it in the style of "YYZ" by Rush. If the letters match an airport identifier, the airport's name and location will appear in the player. Search for airports you've traveled through and cities you've visited. Try your initials. Create your own rhythms using the Morse code as a guide. The possibilities are endless!** FEATURES:   -Browsable and searchable database of over 7000 airports   ...

Rush at Hershey Park: How Sweet it Is

There are few areas in the United States that are sweeter - literally - than Hershey Park, Pennsylvania - home of Hershey Chocolate. Simply driving through the area, you are treated to the unmistakable aroma of sugar and chocolate -- so much so that some believe you can actually gain weight simply by breathing the air in the vicinity of Hershey Park. But as undeniably sweet as Hershey chocolate is to the area, locals and tourists alike took in another type of sweetness on Friday night - Rush - who made their fifth stop on the 2011 Leg of their on-going Time Machine Tour at Hershey's Giant Center. Playing for a near-capacity fan-pack crowd, many of whom traveled from all corners of the country in rain-soaked weather, Rush - as usual - did not disappoint. Right out of the gate, Alex, Neil and Geddy were full of energy as they flashed smiles and threw out waves to the on looking sea of humanity. Launching from from the opening song - The Spirit of Radio - and heading into a t...

Moving Pictures 5.1 Liner Notes and Images Now Online

The complete liner notes and package images from the Deluxe Edition of Moving Pictures 5.1 are now online. The liner notes include a great introductory story by David Fricke who interviewed Rush back when Moving Pictures was originally released. To access the main album page which includes the liner notes and more, click HERE . To access all of the images, click HERE . Still haven't picked up your copy of Moving Pictures 5.1? Ordering links via Amazon are below: Moving Pictures 5.1 - CD/DVD Moving Pictures 5.1 - CD/BD And don't forget to enter for your chance to win one of five (well, now it's four) copies of Moving Pictures 5.1 -- Click HERE to enter.

Donna Halper Interview Now Online

The Rush Fan Film Project site now has a 20-minute long video interview with Donna Halper online. From the site: We are honored to have, as our first guest in this series of interviews, one of the very first and most important fans of Rush, Donna Halper. As most of you know, Donna is credited with discovering Rush. What many people may not know is she’s also an accomplished author, educator and media historian who recently successfully defended her dissertation for her Phd. Late in 2010, Donna took some time from writing her most recent book on the history of Boston radio (which has since been released) as well as her dissertation and graciously invited us to her home outside of Boston to discuss that little Canadian band. She’s an amazing storyteller and I would highly recommend going to see her speak if she’s ever in your town. We trimmed our discussion down to under 20 minutes, though it easily could have been over an hour. I hope this video will not only be an informative lo...

Neil Peart Interview with Jim Ladd Airs April 7th

Last month we reported that DJ Jim Ladd of KLOS had conducted a 2-hour interview with Neil Peart discussing the (then) upcoming release of the 30th Anniversary Edition of Moving Pictures 5.1. We've now learned that the interview will air on KLOS this Thursday, April 7th, at 10:00 p.m. PST. Click HERE to listen live. Thanks to reader GeddyWannaBe for the update.

Geddy Lee On the Cover of Bass Guitar Magazine - April 2011 Edition

Update (02/26/2019): Here we are, almost eight years later, and I've finally posted this interview online. Click HERE to read it. Geddy Lee is no stranger to the UK's Bass Guitar Magazine. Rush's front man has appeared on the cover several times in the past, including a nice 7-page spread back in 2007 (Click HERE to view that edition). Now, Geddy's back - appearing on the cover of the April 2011 edition of the magazine. The article associated with Geddy's appearance is titled The 65 Basses You Must Play and, according to the magazine's website, Geddy reveals the No. 1 bass You Must Play Visit for more information and ordering instructions. Thanks to reader Amy Lee Myer-Seaman for the news.

Moving Pictures 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition Released Today

The wait is over. The re-release of Rush's seminal album Moving Pictures is here! In connection with the release, Soundvision has posted a nice article titled Rush: The Fountain of Surround which discusses 'Rush’s decade-long journey toward embracing the 5.1 format—even for catalog studio material'. Definitely worth a read (Thanks Ed from RushIsABand ). Part II of Rush: The Fountain of Surround is now online. More on Moving Pictures 5.1: RUSH's "Moving Pictures" celebrates its 30th anniversary this year with a spectacular "Moving Pictures - Deluxe Edition" via Mercury/UMe. The reissue of this seminal album on April 5, will be available in two formats: (1) a digitally remastered CD plus DVD and (2) a digitally remastered CD plus Blu-ray. For this Deluxe Edition, the DVD and Blu-ray discs will feature the album and three bonus music videos, "Tom Sawyer", "Limelight" and the previously unreleased clip "Vital Sign...

Cygnus-X1.Net Integrates with Blogger

Ever since Cygnus-X1.Net began reporting out on the 'Latest Rush News', which dates way back to October 5th of 2004 , all news stories have been handed coded into the main HTML Rush News page -- a somewhat arduous task as you can imagine. Over the past month, I've been working on moving over the news page utilizing Google's Blogger which provides me with far more flexibility in posting news stories. In addition, Blogger automatically converts the News Page into a mobile-friendly template when accessed through a smart-phone which eliminates the need for me to maintain a separate mobile-friendly page. So, starting with this news posting, Rush News from Cygnus-X1.Net is now using Blogger. All previous new stories - and commments - from the past two months have been retained and all earlier news stories are still available in the usual non-Blogger archive files (see the bottom of any news page). While I believe I've worked out all of the kinks, please do let m...

Rush 2011 Time Machine Tour Update

Rush's 2011 Leg of their Time Machine Tour has completed three stops thus far - at Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Greensboro, North Carolina and last night in Nashville, Tennessee. The band will be moving on to Louisville, Kentucky tomorrow night to play the KFC Yum! Center. This marks Rush's first return to Louisville since 1988. The Courier Journal posted a nice article ahead of the show titled What a Rush! Unique Band Headed to Louisville for Concert where, among others, Ed Stenger of RushIsABand was quoted in several spots. Rush's official tour photographer John Arrowsmith has posted pictures from the first three dates on his website. Check them out via the links below: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Greensboro, North Carolina Nashville, Tennesse Yours truly will be heading to Hershey Park this Friday for the show at the Giant Center so expect to see some pictures from the show posted online shortly thereafter. We'll have more news on the tour as it progresses.

Neil Peart's Book - Far and Away: A Prize Every Time - Now Available

Originally expected to be released on or about May 1st, Neil Peart's fifth full-length book Far and Away: A Prize Every Time is now available. The 260-page book covers Neil's tour travels and life experiences over the last few years. Here's the official blurb from Amazon.Com: Following in the tradition of Ghost Rider and Traveling Music, Rush drummer Neil Peart relates nearly four years of band tours, road trips, and personal discoveries in this introspective travelogue. From the ups and downs of a professional artist to the birth of a child, this revealing narrative recounts 22 adventures from rock's foremost drummer, biker enthusiast, husband and father. Both playful and insightful, Peart's love of drumming and the open road weaves throughout the stories as Neil explores horizons that are both physical and spiritual, sharing his observations about nature, society, and the self. Full-color photos round-out this tour of the open road that will resonate with Rus...

Rolling Stone Readers Select Geddy Lee as #4 Best Bassist of All Time

Readers of Rolling Stone Magazine were asked to select the best bassist of all time in order to form a 'Top Ten Best of' list. Geddy Lee came in at #4: If Geddy Lee's only role in Rush was to play the bass he'd be unbelievably accomplished. The fact that he does it while singing and playing keyboards proves that the man is almost a freak of nature. Few singers in the history of rock could have handled this triple duty. The group has occasionally flirted with the idea of adding a fourth member to their stage show to ease Lee's load, but they always decide that fans only want to see the three members of Rush onstage. He manages it all by playing bass pedals during his keyboard parts. The band is currently performing their 1980 LP Moving Pictures on a world tour. Rounding out the top 3 were 3) Paul McCartney (The Beatles), 2) Flea (Red Hot Chili Peppers) and 1) John Entwistle (The Who). Click HERE for the complete list.

Geddy Lee Interview on UK's Rock Radio - Discusses Clockwork Angels

Geddy Lee was recently interviewed by UK's Rock Radio 106.1 which is now available online . In the 10+ minute interview, Geddy touches upon a number of topics, including the recent accolades the band has received, the upcoming re-release of Moving Pictures, and the popularity of the documentary Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage, among other topics. Most notably was Geddy's update on the band's forthcoming album Clockwork Angels : "We've got about 3/4 of the record written and are kind of ready to go. We've got 2 or 3 more tracks we'd like to write. We've kind of run out of time now. We're gonna have to go on tour so when this tour is over we'll get back to writing and hopefully finish the record in the Fall. We're having fun with it...there are some very complex moments. There are some very beautiful moments. It's kind of what you'd expect from Rush I guess - a little bit of everything. Now the indication you can get from the first ...

Geddy Lee Talks Baseball

As most Rush fans know, Geddy Lee is an avid fan of baseball and, particularly so of the Toronto Blu Jays. In connection with the kickoff of the 2011 Major League season, the TorontoStar has just posted an article titled The old ball game brings together Canadians of all stripes where many notable Canadians talk about their memories of baseball. In the article, Geddy talks about his most memorable moment regarding the 1992 season: "Rush lead vocalist Geddy Lee is no stranger to Blue Jays fans. He's been a longtime fan himself, and has attended hundreds of games through the good and not-so-good times. When asked about his fave game, the Toronto native knew right away:  'Game 6 of the 1992 World Series in Atlanta,' Lee said this week, just as the band was leaving Toronto for Tampa to open a tour. 'Sitting with my brother Allan and beside Candy Maldonado's dentist from Puerto Rico and the wives of the Blue Jay island of Jays fans in a...

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