Neil Peart's News, Weather, and Sports Update
Neil Peart has posted another update to the News, Weather, and Sports section of his website. In this entry, titled "Eastern Resurrection" , Neil discusses his motorcycle travels during both legs of the Time Machine Tour and has some reflective thoughts on the Spring season. Those first signs of post-winter rebirth, the radiant bursts and washes of spring color, are so expressive of returning life, and are one reason why the word “resurrection” occurred to me for this story. Even as the band was reviving the Time Machine tour, bringing it to a new series of North American cities and countries outside North and South America (heading to Europe in May), and I was resurrecting my drumming and motorcycling skills and endurance, all around me the world was being reborn. As Neil's travels took him through the 'Bible Belt' of the United States, he came upon a number of billboards that gave him pause. Ones like “Jesus Paid the Price—You Keep the Change.” and “Sin....