Rush: Cinema Strangiato 2019 Coming to Theaters In August
Update: A listing of the venues that will be screening the film are now available HERE . Rush fans may be missing their band, but they'll get a fix with the August 21st cinematic screening of Rush: Cinema Strangiato 2019. The Trafalgar Releasing and Anthem Entertainment event is being billed as the first "Annual Exercise in Fan Indulgence" and will feature a hodge-podge of song performances, including "Tom Sawyer," "Closer to the Heart" and "Subdivisions," unreleased soundcheck and backstage footage from the 2015 R40 40th anniversary tour, and new interviews with producer Nick Raskulinecz and Rush peer fans Billy Corgan, Tom Morello and Taylor Hawkins, who inducted the Canadian trio into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with fellow Foo Fighter Dave Grohl in 2013. Geddy Lee commented on the upcoming film: "I'm excited for fans to see some new clips from our R40 tour but also a peek behind the scenes of making the Big Beautiful Book ...