
Showing posts from June, 2019

Rush: Cinema Strangiato 2019 Coming to Theaters In August

Update: A listing of the venues that will be screening the film are now available HERE . Rush fans may be missing their band, but they'll get a fix with the August 21st cinematic screening of Rush: Cinema Strangiato 2019. The Trafalgar Releasing and Anthem Entertainment event is being billed as the first "Annual Exercise in Fan Indulgence" and will feature a hodge-podge of song performances, including "Tom Sawyer," "Closer to the Heart" and "Subdivisions," unreleased soundcheck and backstage footage from the 2015 R40 40th anniversary tour, and new interviews with producer Nick Raskulinecz and Rush peer fans Billy Corgan, Tom Morello and Taylor Hawkins, who inducted the Canadian trio into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with fellow Foo Fighter Dave Grohl in 2013. Geddy Lee commented on the upcoming film: "I'm excited for fans to see some new clips from our R40 tour but also a peek behind the scenes of making the Big Beautiful Book ...

Vote for Rush's 40th Anniversary Reissue of Hemispheres in the Annual Progressive Music Awards

Voting for the annual PROG Magazine Progressive Music Awards is now open. This year, Rush's 40th Anniversary Hemispheres Box Set is up for the Reissue of the Year award. You can vote for Hemispheres at this LINK . Other reissues up for the award this year include Steve Hackett;s BROKEN SKIES - OUTSPREAD WINGS , Marillion's CLUTCHING AT STRAWS , and Yes's THE STEVEN WILSON REMIXES , among others. The awards ceremony will take place at the Underglobe in London on September 12, 2019 which is, coincidentally, Neil Peart's 67th Birthday. Thanks to RushFanForever for sharing the news.

Celebrating 15 Years Online - Cygnus-X1.Net

Today marks the 15th Anniversary of the Cygnus-X1.Net website. It’s hard to believe how quickly 15 years have shot by, and harder still to believe how this website has grown and expanded – well beyond anything I could have hoped for when I launched it on a warm summer day back in June of 2004. But here we are – 15 years later. 15 Years of bringing you the very best and latest information on Rush. 15 Years of making countless friends who reached out to share their own Rush stories with me. And while it hasn’t always been a smooth ride, it certainly has been a fulfilling one. Very special thanks to graphic designer Carl McDonnell who has provided most of the imagery you see on the site over the years, including the gorgeous new 15th Anniversary Banner . Thanks, Carl! So here’s to 15 years and, more importantly, here’s to all of you who helped to make my little corner of the internet a modest success. On to the next XV!

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