Neil Peart News, Weather, and Sports Update - November 2015 - BubbaGram™#3
Neil Peart has just posted a new update to the "News, Weather, and Sports" section of his website, his third such update in as many months. Once again, Peart continues on a theme he started back in September as this edition, titled BubbaGram™#3 , is the third entry since the end of Rush's R40 tour. In this entry, Neil discuss a ride between two dates that took place in mid-July, about two weeks before the end of the R40 tour. From the entry: It was mid-July 2015, a day off between shows in Salt Lake City and Calgary on the third and final leg of the R40 tour. The setting is the Bannock Pass, an unpaved route between Idaho and Montana. The wide, well-graded gravel curved upward through a treeless expanse of sagebrush and grasses rising to 7,684 feet. A closer look at the photo shows two tiny motorcyclists, Chris and Michael, riding across the lower middle. It was indeed a big country. Just to the north, the Lemhi Pass had been the route of the Lewis and Clark expedi...