Rush Appear on the Cover of PROG Magazine's December 2017 Issue - Full Article Now Online

Here's a snippet about the making of the album's title track:
"So I'm playing the Minimoog outside and Neil's hitting the twinklies or whatever he was hitting off the front of that – he was always hitting something – and Alex is walking around this mic recording the opening to A Farewell to Kings, so it was quite fun. You can hear the Welsh birds singing in the background, unless they flew in from somewhere else – they could be accidentals, as they're called in the trade.The issue also contains a side-bar Q&A article with Terry Brown, as well as a section titled I have dined on Honeydew - Top prog stars tell us what A Farewell to Kings means to them.
"Farewell... was quite a different piece for us, because of the way the intro's structured, and then it comes in with a bang and there's this weird time signature going on. It's a tough song to play."
"We set up on the cobblestone courtyard with a pair of mics and created our own stereo spread," says Lifeson. "I do recall walking back and forth, trying to concentrate on my playing while not crashing into Neil.
It was a complex song to write. In many ways, it's simple and direct, but we could never accept that, so dropping a note here or inserting a weird note there made things more interesting for us and for the listener. Odd time signatures were a great way to keep the listeners scratching their heads and counting on all fingers. "I liked the organic nature of that recording and it was one of the few days that it didn't rain... though I think it did start again later."
The entire article is now available in the Library Section of the main site, or directly via this LINK.
Thanks to RushFanForever for sharing the article.
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