Vote for Rush's 40th Anniversary Reissue of Hemispheres in the Annual Progressive Music Awards

Vote for Rush's 40th Anniversary Reissue of Hemispheres in the Annual Progressive Music AwardsVoting for the annual PROG Magazine Progressive Music Awards is now open. This year, Rush's 40th Anniversary Hemispheres Box Set is up for the Reissue of the Year award.

You can vote for Hemispheres at this LINK.

Other reissues up for the award this year include Steve Hackett;s BROKEN SKIES - OUTSPREAD WINGS, Marillion's CLUTCHING AT STRAWS, and Yes's THE STEVEN WILSON REMIXES, among others.

The awards ceremony will take place at the Underglobe in London on September 12, 2019 which is, coincidentally, Neil Peart's 67th Birthday.

Thanks to RushFanForever for sharing the news.


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