Neil Peart: An Introduction to His Drumming Style Coming this January

A new book that focuses on Neil Peart's drumming styles from his early years with Rush is set to be released this January. Aptly titled Neil Peart: An Introduction to His Drumming Style, the book was written by Italian drummer, percussionist, composer and music producer Francesco Vecchio. From the book's listing:
The conception of “Neil Peart: An Introduction to His Drumming Style” comes from the transcription and study of one of his most remarkable works: “Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres,” which is the first track on the sixth album Hemispheres (1978) by Rush, where Neil also wrote the lyrics. The rhythmic ideas and grooves inspired me to write an entire book about Neil Peart, his life, musical influences and style.The book will be available from January 4 in two print formats, paperback and hardcover, and in an eBook version now available for pre-order HERE.
Neil Peart’s biography, his drum influences, an interview, a photo gallery and the history of the album are included to introduce the complete drum sheet music of the song, written and notated entirely note-per-note. The main grooves and fills, played during the 18 minutes of the song, are shown and analyzed separately in order to better understand the sticking and the dynamics. Every drum part analyzed is also accompanied by an audio file.
“Neil Peart: An Introduction to His Drumming Style” is intended both for drummers and Rush fans: a guide for all the drummers who want to understand the basics of Neil Peart’s drumming, a document to collect for all the Rush fans, and for the younger generations, a way to approach the music of Rush.
For more information about the book and its author, please visit Francesco Vecchio's blog at this LINK.
Thank you to Francesco for informing us about his book and providing a sample copy for review.
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