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Neil Peart News, Weather, and Sports Update - May 2016 - BubbaGram™#6

Neil Peart has posted a new update to the News, Weather, and Sports section of his website. In this 6th installment of the ongoing BubbaGram series, Neil continues to talk about some of the sites he and his riding mates visited during the R40 tour. One place in particular was Crater Lake National Park in Oregon:Perhaps my major ambition for that day was to get riding photos of Crater Lake. After five or six visits over the years, I had never managed to capture the “sense of place” in a single image—and if I could do that with a motorcycle passing through, that would be the ultimate. (We have ridden through and photographed some impressive walls of snow around there, towering above the plowed road even in early summer. The area gets forty-five feet of snow, so it takes a while to melt—but was all gone by July 22.)
The larger and more spectacular a place is, the harder it is to convey to others—in words or in photographs. I believe the opening image does a pretty good job (thank you, thank you), but some places you just have to see for yourself. A few examples would be Lake Louise, Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Death Valley, and Crater Lake.
Neil once again hints at his 'retirement' from performing live with Rush via this passage:Definitely “going big” on these last few rides. “Bingeing,” I guess.
New disorder: “binge riding.”
Up at 6:30 again on bus—after show, and 1:00 a.m. bedtime.
Because . . . won’t be doing this anymore.
Neil ends this entry with a poignant thought about the impending end of the R40 tour:The day was truly reborn, and being fueled and refreshed, I would summon the energy to face the next part of the day: route planning, soundcheck, dinner with the Guys at Work, warmup, and show number thirty-one.
Just four more to go, as we traveled into the Southwest and the home stretch — literally home, for me.
Click HERE to read the entire entry.
And to check out every News, Weather, and Sports entry Neil has made dating back to 2005, they are all available at the News, Weather, and Sports Archives.
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