Modern Drummer Magazine Releasing Neil Peart 'Legends' Issue This September

Modern Drummer Magazine Releasing Neil Peart 'Legends' Issue This SeptemberOver the course of Neil Peart's professional career, the Rush drummer had appeared on the cover of Modern Drummer magazine a record NINE times. With his untimely passing this past January, Modern Drummer dedicated their May 2020 issue to his memory, which marked the tenth cover appearance for time Neil.

Modern Drummer has just announced a new Legends series for their magazine, where the premiere issue will be centered around Neil Peart. From MD:
First installment in the Modern Drummer Legends series

Anthology of all 9 of the Rush drummer’s Modern Drummer cover interviews

Includes the complete contents of his May 2020 Modern Drummer tribute issue

Analysis of Peart’s performances on every Rush studio album

A survey of the evolution of his famous live drumkits

An in-depth look at his seven self-penned books

Remembrances and impressions from dozens of leading drummers

Transcriptions of deep Rush cuts

Neil discussing the Snakes & Arrows track “Malignant Narcissism”

“A Life Changed Forever”: a super-fan’s heartfelt story
This special Legends issue is set to be released this September. You can pre-order a copy via the Modern Drummer website.

Thanks to Joe Pesch for passing along the news.


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