Clockwork Destiny Novel by Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart Coming in April 2022

The third and final novel from the Clockwork Angels trilogy is set to be released in April of 2022. As with the previous two novels, Clockwork Destiny was written by Kevin J. Anderson and the late Neil Peart:
In Clockwork Angels and Clockwork Lives, readers met the optimistic young hero Owen Hardy, as well as the more reluctant adventurer Marinda Peake, in an amazing world of airships and alchemy, fantastic carnivals and lost cities. Now Owen Hardy, retired and content in his quiet, perfect life with the beautiful Francesca, is pulled into one last adventure with his eager grandson Alain. This final mission for the Watchmaker will take them up to the frozen lands of Ultima Thule and the ends of the Earth. Marinda Peake must undertake a mission of her own, not only to compile the true life story of the mysterious Watchmaker, but also to stop a deadly new group of anarchists.There is an Amazon listing for the book, however pre-order links are not available at this time.
The Clockwork trilogy is based on the story and lyrics from the last album of musical titans Rush, with Anderson and Peart expanding the world, stories, and characters. The two developed the final novel in the trilogy in the last years of Peart’s life, and more than a year after his passing, Anderson returned to that unfinished project, with the full support of Peart’s wife, bringing Owen and Marinda’s stories to a satisfying and stirring conclusion.
You can read previews of the first two novels, along with the accompanying graphic novel counterparts, at this LINK.
Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand and Kevin J. Anderson for the news. Comments
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