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A Kinder, Gentler Rush Tribute Album
Over the years, there have been a number of Rush tribute albums published, ranging from straight-up rock equivalents to thrash metal versions of Rush classics to a number of classical music interpretations of early Rush tracks. Now we can add another musical genre to the list of Rush tributes - a lullaby version.
That's right, the company known as Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Rock Star has released an 11-track CD of Rush classics, all toned down and softened. The tracks range from Rush's debut album through to Signals and include such favorites as The Spirit of Radio, Limelight, Red Barchetta and The Trees.
A lullaby version of the Trees. Now I've truly heard everything. :-)
You can purchase the CD via Amazon as well as download the tracks on iTunes.
Thanks to RushFanForever for passing along the news.
I once heard a Muzak rendition of an Iron Maiden song in an elevator back in the early 90's, but this takes the cake.