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Rush in Digital Print
While most of the news stories published about Rush over the past year have focused on their current world tour in support of Clockwork Angels, there have been other non-tour stories published as well. Case in point; this past week had three interesting articles pop up online, all offering a different spin on the Canadian band.
Up first is Why Rush is my favorite band: Tom Coohill on idolizing Peart, Lee and Lifeson. Penned by Chef/Owner Tom Coohill of Coohills Restaurant in Denver, this brief but heartfelt article was posted ahead of Tom's pre-show gathering for last night's show in Denver.
From the article:In the beginning, I idolized drummer Neal Peart. Then I was blown away by frontman Lee, whose prowess on the bass was astounding; with his occasional spin on the keyboards and his otherworldly vocals, he is impossible not to watch. Last, but in no way least, is Alex Lifeson, who plays electric and acoustic guitars as well as other stringed instruments with a passion that is impossible not to get caught up in.
Up next is a really great introductory to Rush article that came from the A.V. Club's "Gateways To Geekery" series. Titled An introduction to Rush, the biggest cult band in the world, this article is essentially a "road map" to help fans new to Rush establish a course that will make them, in no time, true Rush fanatics:
One of the reasons Rush’s music hits home so powerfully is the band’s ability to encase vulnerability inside a shell of immaculately crafted art-rock. As a case in point, take 1982’s Signals. With that album, Rush finally moved fully into the ’80s, but it transcended that decade’s imposing sheen with such songs as “Subdivisions,” which uses double entendres to underscore the loneliness and alienation of growing up in the stultifying suburbs—a cool, distanced, and yet evocative tone that’s also reflected in the standout tracks “Chemistry” and “New World Man.”
Finally, a recent issue of Canada's The Globe & Mail published an article and photo gallery called A house closer to the heart: See Rush guitarist Alex Lifeson’s country home". The article offers a fantastic inside look into a new home that Alex and his wife recently built:Ms. Zivojinovich and her husband Alex Lifeson consulted Toronto-based architect Dimitri Papatheodorou, who quickly saw the potential: The house would sit on a natural belvedere, set back from the road and surrounded by pine trees.
“It was pretty obvious that the house wanted to align with the cosmos,” he says.
Now the rolling hills north of Toronto offer a tranquil setting for family gatherings, and the trees provide seclusion for Mr. Lifeson during downtime from a demanding schedule of touring as guitarist for the hallowed Canadian rock band Rush.
Thanks to everyone who notified me about all of these great write-ups.
I was at the Denver show. I didn't get "Middletown Dreams", though I suspect they saved that last for the last show in the Midwest. My second favorite song, next to the Analog Kid, but they played that one, which rocked-out (extended version). Still, you could tell the boys were tired, and thinking, "Only two more shows to go.. almost done". Touring is very tough, and I'm sure they're glad it's over for now. Btw, the 3rd drum-solo ala-Daft Punk was pretty cool.