Clockwork Lives Optioned for TV / Film
No, this isn't a continuation of the 2016 April Fools Joke. According to an announcement from Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart, Clockwork Lives, their follow-up novel to Clockwork Angels has been optioned for television and/or film.
From the announcement:
For previews of the various novels, please click HERE.
We'll have more news on this exciting development as it becomes available.
With thanks to Ray Johnston for passing along the news.
From the announcement:
Stoke the fires on the big steel wheels! Exciting news, so keep your fingers crossed that this moves forward. Here’s the official announcement:When asked why Clockwork Angels wasn't similarly optioned, Kevin J. Anderson responded that Clockwork Lives was "...designed to be episodic...", suggesting that an anthology TV series might be the likely outcome of this action.
Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart have optioned their steampunk fantasy adventure CLOCKWORK LIVES to writer/producers Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes (Arrow, The Flash, Warehouse 13). CLOCKWORK LIVES is set in the universe of the concept album CLOCKWORK ANGELS by legendary rock band Rush and Anderson’s New York Times bestselling novel of the same title. Anderson and Rush drummer and lyricist Peart wrote CLOCKWORK LIVES as a companion to ANGELS in a novel published by ECW Press and a new graphic novel from Insight Editions.
For previews of the various novels, please click HERE.
We'll have more news on this exciting development as it becomes available.
With thanks to Ray Johnston for passing along the news.
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