Rush Sighting on Jeopardy! Third Time's the Charm...

Rush Sighting on Jeopardy - Again
No, this is not a reprint of an earlier news story. For the third time this year, the ABC game show Jeopardy! had a Rush reference in one of their questions.

The episode, which aired last night (July 16th), included a category called Also a 4-Letter Band. As the screen shot to the right reflects, one of the answers was "An attempt to gain ground by an NFL running back" to which, of course, the correct question was "What is Rush?"

The other two Rush references to appear on Jeopardy! this year occurred back in April and March.

Thanks to Karl McQuaide and RushIsABand for the news and screen capture.

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[Rush Sighting on Jeopardy ... Again! - April 8th, 2013]
[Rush Sighting on Jeopardy! - March 1st, 2013]


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