Rush Receive Allan Waters Humanitarian Award at the 2015 Juno Awards Ceremony

Rush Receive Allan Waters Humanitarian Award at the 2015 Juno Awards CeremonyRush Receive Allan Waters Humanitarian Award at the 2015 Juno Awards Ceremony
Update (03/18/2015): The JUNO YouTube channel has just posted Rush's induction video for the 2015 Allan Waters Humanitarian Award. Click HERE to view it.
Last night, both Rush and their long-time manager Ray Danniels were the recipients of two very special awards at the 2015 Juno Gala Dinner & Awards ceremony.

With Geddy Lee on hand, Rush's front-man accepted the Allan Waters Humanitarian Award on behalf of the band. This award recognizes outstanding Canadian artists whose contributions have positively enhanced the social fabric of Canada. Manager Ray Danniels was bestowed with the 2015 Walt Grealis Special Achievement Award which recognizes individuals who have made a significant impact on the Canadian music industry.

A Twitter Feed included numerous pictures and video clips from the event:

Earlier in the week, Billboard Magazine posted a lengthy article about the band's award and their long charitable history. From the article:
"It's really nice to get this acknowledgement, but honestly, this is something that's just a duty for everyone," he says. "Lots of people are generous and do things like this, and it's the right thing, I think, when you're in a position to help those who are needy or less fortunate. Then it's kind of our duty as human beings to do that, and it's not a big deal. I can't remember [certain details] because I don't really think about it."

Lifeson's modesty is not surprising. Rush operates as a laid-back unit that is more concerned with its craft than the glory of the spotlight, and since Rush's lyrics (written by drummer Neil Peart, 62) frequently ponder the state of humanity, it's logical that the band -- which is rounded out by singer-bassist-keyboardist Geddy Lee, 61 -- looks at charitable endeavors as common decency.
Some additional video clips from the event include Geddy Discussing His Favorite Rush Song and Ray Danniels' acceptance speech.

Congratulations to Rush and Ray Danniels!


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