Is Neil Peart Planning on Using Two Drum Kits During the R40 Tour?

When Neil Peart's R40 drum kit was revealed at the 2015 NAMM Show in January, there was a lot of talk about how the kit would not fully encircle Peart as his most recent kits had done in the past. Neil's drum tech Lorne Wheaton indicated the following regarding the change:"For this next tour we're not going to be using the full [Roland] V-Drum kit on the back. We are not going to be spinning. It's going to be full-tilt Rush songs and there will probably be a whole lot of old stuff..."DW Drum's John Good was also interviewed at NAMM where he spoke in more detail about Neil's R40 kit and shared some very interesting news about a second kit that would used during the tour:
... At the beginning of the show [Neil]'s going to be playing [the R40] kit. Then this one moves away at half-time. The idea was to have it fly out of the ceiling but that probably won't happen because of budgets. But there's another kit that's gonna show up - a replica of his Slingerland kit [Chromey] ... the black nickel-looking thing. My painter Louie Garcia can paint that to look just like black nickel. So that moves in and they finish the set as a bar band, the way they started ...
The comment was made at around the 13:30 mark during the video interview (see below or directly at this LINK.Could this open the door to some truly old Rush songs? Time will tell... Post by Drum Talk TV.
Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for sharing the video and news.
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Very cool!