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New Alex Lifeson Interview Discusses Rush's Long History and Charity Work

Earlier this year we first reported the Rush would be the recipients of the 2015 Allan Waters Humanitarian Award which will be awarded to the band this Saturday at the 2015 JUNO Gala Dinner & Awards ceremony.
Ahead of the awards ceremony, Alex Lifeson was recently interviewed by The Canadian Press on topics ranging from the award, which recognizes outstanding Canadian artists whose contributions have positively enhanced the social fabric of Canada, to the band's longevity and their plans for the upcoming R40 tour:If Rush's generosity was a bit of a secret, they wouldn't have minded if it stayed that way.
"It's a way that you can do it as a unit, which Rush is, without making really a big deal about it," guitarist Alex Lifeson said recently from Toronto.
"This is really great to get this award — it's always very humbling — but this is just something that you're supposed to do. We don't make a big deal out of it."
Among their charitable contributions, Rush has donated significantly to Toronto Food Bank, United Way, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, the New Orleans-assisting Make it Right Foundation, Doctors Without Borders, Alberta Flood Relief and Casey House.
Regarding the upcoming tour, Alex joked "We rehearse ourselves to death..."
Click HERE to read the entire interview.
Thanks to Helga Burghoffer for the news.
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