Rush References on FX's Archer - Season 2 Finale

Rush Reference on Archer
Last night's season finale episode (episode 23 - Double Trouble) of Archer, FX's animated television series, included a Rush reference marking the second such reference that has appeared in the series. The first occurred during an episode that aired last April 21st (See: Rush References on FX's Archer) where a van appeared with an Exit...Stage Left motif with 'Exit..Van Left' taking the place of the album's title.

In last night's episode another van appeared, this time with a play on the cover from Rush's Hemispheres and the words Krieger: Vanispheres appearing alongside the motif. Krieger refers to Dr. Krieger, one of the main characters of the show.

Click HERE for a high-resolution screen capture of the van.

Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for passing along the news and screen capture.


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