Rush Reference on The Colbert Report

Rush Reference on The Colbert Report
Last night's episode of The Colbert Report included a Rush reference during a news segment discussing the existence of Santa Claus - in Canada.

The humorous segment was based on a news story out of Canada about a 24-year-old Canadian "grinch" who apparently was arrested for harassing children by claiming that Santa Claus wasn't real. Colbert then interjected the following:
... but don't worry Canadian kids, you still have a Santa - it's just a Canadian Santa. Every year I believe it rotates to a different Canadian celebrity. Last year it was Nelly Furtado Claus (shows a picture of Nelly Furtado in a Santa hat), this year it's Rush (shows a picture of Rush with Santa hats on - see above). So that jing-jing-jingle you hear on the roof is just Neil Peart breaking into a 45-minute high hat solo...
You can check out the video segment at this LINK or via the video player below:

Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for the news and transcription.


  1. Another Rush reference in the media:
    Sunday December 2; American Dad! The show opens with Steve & Snot jamming air guitar style to "2112"; later in the show Stan and Snot do the same thing


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