Rush Reference on FX's Archer - 'Van By Night'

Rush on Archer
FX's long-running animated series Archer has had a history of Rush sightings throughout its run. Most have taken place in the form of a Rush album-themed mural appearing on the side of Krieger's van (one of the main characters in the show).

On the most recent episode of the show from the 4th season titled "The Wind Cries Mary," Krieger's van received the "Fly By Night" treatment.

Check out a full-sized screen capture HERE.

This is the fourth such Rush reference on the series, and the third van motif to appear. Back in March of 2012, a Neil Peart-inspired drum kit along with a conversation regarding YYZ takes place between the show's characters.

Back in January of 2012, a van appeared in the show with a Hemispheres-style painted motif. And in April of 2011, another van appeared in a great Exit...Stage Left motif.

Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for the news and the screen-cap.

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