"Get Everyone to R40" Online Funding Event Now Underway

Get Everyone to R40 Online Funding Event Now Underway
With the possibility that Rush's upcoming 40th Anniversary tour may be the band's last for the foreseeable future, a group of dedicated fans headed by Mark Lesko have initiated an online funding drive to provide the means for less fortunate Rush fans to attend one of the upcoming shows. From the event page's description:
The Rush family. We don't know if this will be the last big tour, so EVERYONE needs to go. Many people can't go because of health, lack of funds, distance, or other reasons beyond their control. Not ok. They all need to go. Help me get everyone there. We are trying to raise money to get the less fortunate to the shows - as many as we can. R40! Epic!!!!! Lets do something no one has ever done...
Unquestionably, this is a worthy cause especially for those who truly want to attend one of the R40 shows but simply do not have the financial means. Making a donation to the cause or requesting to be considered for receipt of a concert ticket is easy and secure. All of the information is available at this LINK.

Organizer Mark Lesko, along with a panel of fans including yours truly, will ultimately select the fans who will benefit from this drive. Obviously, the more donations that come in from fellow Rush fans, the more we'll be able to serve through this cause. If you are able to donate, please do. If not, please help us spread the word by sharing this story with others.

Thank you.

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