Rush Featured on Tandem Digital Entertainment's New Website

Rush Featured on Tandem Digital Entertainment's New Website
Tandem Digital Entertainment, the award-winning visual and sound design company that created many of Rush's concert videos as well as some of the visuals on Neil Peart's website, has just launched a stunning new website that includes several video examples of their work.

The website, which is located at, currently has the introduction video to 2112 online as well as the three-camera video of Red Barchetta, both taken from the Snakes & Arrows tour. From the website:
Over the last few RUSH tours we've had the opportunity to create animations for a few songs, including the opening to 2112 and the driving segment in Red Barchetta.

Fun Fact: For the Red Barchetta video we mounted three cameras in the back of a pickup truck and drove around California for a couple of days, driving down the center line of the road to get nicely framed shots. Once the material was in the computer we reversed the action so it looked like we were shooting forwards.
Additionally, they have some great videos in the Neil Peart section of their site:
In 2005 Neil Peart hired Tandem Digital to produce his first original website, Since then we have worked on three concert videos, which play during his drum solos. For the last two RUSH tours we animated a 3D drumming robot called "The Percussor", who can be found depicted in the pages of the novel that accompanies the latest RUSH album Clockwork Angels.
You can check out all the videos at the following locations:
  • Rush Concert Videos
  • Neil Peart Videos
  • Neil Peart Drums
  • Thanks to Andrew O for the news.


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