Clockwork Angels Novel Artwork Revealed

Rush: Clockwork Angels Novel by Kevin J. Anderson
The artwork for the novelization of Clockwork Angels has just been revealed at Kevin J. Anderson's blog. From the author's blog entry:
We’re very pleased to show off the just-released cover for Clockwork Angels: The Novel—one of my most beautiful covers ever. The central image is from the forthcoming Rush album, with the type and cover design by Neil Peart. ECW will publish the hardcover in September (available for preorder now), a full-color volume with paintings and complete lyrics (and the novel itself, of course). From the sample pages I’ve seen already, this will be a gorgeous book.
Click HERE for a high-resolution shot of the cover which, not surprisingly, is essentially a repeat of the album cover.

Currently, Amazon has listed the price for the hard-cover edition of the novel at $16.90 and indicated that it contains 264 pages and is scheduled to be released on September 1st, 2012.

As we indicated during the original report, Anderson and Neil Peart have been friends for years now and have worked together in the past. In 1994, they collaborated on the 1994 short story Drumbeats. Neil also wrote the introduction to Anderson's 2006 short story compilation Landscapes.

Click HERE to pre-order the Clockwork Angels novel.

Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for passing along the artwork news.

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