Producer Nick Raskulinecz talks Rush's Clockwork Angels

MusicRadar has just posted a lengthy interview/article with Rush's producer Nick Raskulinecz where the self-proclaimed unabashed, over-the-top Rush fan talks about Clockwork Angels:"There's a certain responsibility you have no matter what record you're producing," he says. "You want to help the band make the best record they possibly can, and with Rush, that can be a very tall order. Rush fans hold the band very dear to their hearts. You want to honor that, but you also want to push the band forward and allow them to be the best they can be right now."Nick discusses several topics including the evolution of the songs, how many were born from jams and, what I found interesting, how the album transformed into a concept piece thanks to Neil Peart:
He pauses slightly, then adds with a laugh, "Of course, that stops when we're done for the night. That's when I sit down with the guys and go, 'All right, let's talk about 1977!'"When was Neil's concept introduced, and how did it affect what everybody was doing?Check out the entire article via this LINK.
"That really started to come to light in Toronto. Two weeks or so into it, as Geddy and Alex were writing more music, we all kind of looked at one another and said, 'Hey, this is really turning into something. It's tying together.' Then one day, Neil walked in the room and said, 'It's done. I finished it.'
"For the next 20 minutes, Neil talked about this vision he had for the concept of the record, and it was one of those moments I'll never forget. Listening to him, watching him speak – it was amazing! I wish we were filming him so we could put it on YouTube. And right there, the whole record just clicked. Once Geddy and Al heard where Neil was going, they churned out some amazing music. I think Headlong Flight came the next day."
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I have never seen Rush in concert, and feel like I need to mark that off my bucket list before one of them dies :P Rush tickets went on sale today, anyone else going to Charlotte?