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Neil Peart Inducted Into the 2011 Classic Drummer Magazine Hall of Fame
In celebration of their tenth anniversary, Classic Drummer Magazine created a Hall of Fame where the the selection process was opened up to the magazine's readers. The actual voting process took place in 2011 and the magazine has revealed the twelve winners via their latest issue.
Classic Drummer also revealed four of the winners on their website - one of which was Neil Peart.
From the magazine:As we celebrate our 10th Anniversary, Classic Drummer Magazine is honored to announce the establishment of its Classic Drummer Hall of Fame. While drumming has had an impact on cultures since prehistory, not until the 20th century was the power and versatility of a complete set of drums put in the hands of a single player. Of the millions who’ve sat behind a kit with the intent of expressing themselves musically, a few have actually helped create new musical forms, energized a generation, elevated their art, and perhaps even become household names in the process.
Click HERE for a larger view of Neil and the award.
Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for passing along the news.
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