Rush to Appear on the Cover of Rolling Stone Magazine

Rush Featured on Cover of Rolling Stone Magazine Rush Featured on Cover of Rolling Stone Magazine
Update: April Fools, Everyone! Yes, by now I'm sure you all figured out that Rush appearing on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine was, of course, an April Fool's joke. It was a blast perpetrating this joke alongside my partners in crime, Eric from Power Windows and Ed from RushIsABand. The three of us came up with this idea several weeks back and have been carefully plotting out the details ever since. We all hope you enjoyed the ride. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Rush news :-)
Update: My contact at Rolling Stone Magazine just informed me that an excerpt from the cover story along with some photos are now available online. Check them out via this link: Rush in Rolling Stone - Image Excerpts. Enjoy!
Now this is a first. According to a source from Rolling Stone Magazine who just contacted me, Rush will appear front-and-center on the cover of the upcoming April 21st, 2012 issue of the famed music magazine. The issue will include a feature story titled ‘Clockwork Excellence’, as well as numerous photos of the band, reportedly taken during their Clockwork Angels recording sessions in Toronto and potentially also their mixing sessions in Los Angeles.

The source also sent along the following working copy of the magazine cover (Image) and indicated that some story excerpts and photos from the issue would be available at RollingStone.Com soon.

According to the story headlines listed on the working cover, some information regarding the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Rush's omission from the institution will be included in the issue. That alone should be worth the price of admission!

After receiving the information, I reached out to Eric from Power Windows and Ed from RushIsABand, both of whom also received the same information.

Over the decades, Rolling Stone magazine hasn’t necessarily been kind to Rush. However their attitude has changed of late which led to Rush being featured, though not as part of a cover story, back in July of 2008 in the article ‘Rush Never Sleeps’.

We’ll have more information – and links to the story and photo excerpts at Rolling Stone's website – when they become available.

In the mean time, click HERE to view a high-resolution version of the working cover artwork.


  1. If this is a joke, then that's the best 'fake' cover I've ever seen. Being in the printing business, I can tell you that it certainly appears legit.

    Plus other sites are posting the news as well.

    Finally, if it was a joke, wouldn't they say so somewhere??

  2. RS really SHOULD use that cover! :)

  3. That picture is the same one they use for their page on i-tunes. I doubt they would recycle an old pic. It sounds like something RS would jump on, in an effort to sell magazines.

  4. As Admiral Ackbar said, "It's a TRAP!"

  5. Hope everyone enjoyed our little April Fool's joke :)

  6. Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk!

    Brilliantly executed!

  7. The photo was the dead give-away. Pre-VaporTrails, isn't it?

  8. April 21, 12....perfect!


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