Headlong Flight Single from Clockwork Angels Release Update

Rush Clockwork Angels Album Cover
Last week, the first new single from Clockwork Angels was previewed at a Roadrunner Records-sponsored listening party for journalists and industry executives. The single, titled Headlong Flight, was very well received. At that time, it was reported that the single would hit the airwaves on April 19th however we now have additional information on the release.

A very limited preview release on select stations will take place next Wednesday, April 11th. It's possible that only a single airing of Headlong Flight will take place on the 11th. The single will then be released on a limited number of stations on April 19th - 20th. Finally, the general radio release along with a digital release on iTunes and other formats will occur on Tuesday, April 24th.

At this time, there is no word yet if a CD-single release will accompany the digital release.

We'll have more news as it becomes available.

Thanks to Ed from RushIsABand for passing along the news.

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  1. But I want it NOW!!!!!!!

  2. So.. hungry.. for .. soundbyte.. (foaming)

  3. there is 30 seconds of it here http://www.licklibrary.com/news/2012/4/3497-rush39s_34clockwork_angels34_track_listing_and_album_plus_34headlong_flight34_snippet

  4. Well, didn't that post come out weird...

  5. The article states it would be played on select radio stations on April 11th. I haven't heard anything more on this. Was it played on April 11th ? If so, what station had it and did anyone get to record it so we can hear it ?


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